
Dear friends, all the tutorials are in italian, but they have a lot of pictures :) Please send me an email or contact me on fb if you need any translation or explanation of something :)

Gennaio 2015:
Gli sci

3 commenti:

  1. Hello,
    I came across your ski tutorial and love it!!
    I am the editor for American Miniaturist Magazine and was wondering if you would like to feature your tutorial in a winter issue later in the year. I would love to share your work with our readers if you would be interested. It's a great way to reach many people who have a passion for miniatures. 
Depending on the issues budget and the complexity of the tutorial we can offer you payment or credit towards issues and subscriptions if you chose to participate.
    Let me know what you think!
    You can email me at auralea@ashdown.co.uk if you are interested.
    Thanks and have a lovely day,

  2. I came across your doctor's bag and am wondering if you still have the directions for making the items inside the bag. Thank you.
